Ou, Jiun-You: 69 days
Ou, Jiun-You: IMG_8656
Ou, Jiun-You: from Mogno to Peccia 04
Ou, Jiun-You: from Mogno to Peccia 03
Ou, Jiun-You: from Mogno to Peccia 02
Ou, Jiun-You: from Mogno to Peccia 01
Ou, Jiun-You: sunset
Ou, Jiun-You: IMG_3252
Ou, Jiun-You: IMG_3243
Ou, Jiun-You: IMG_7123
Ou, Jiun-You: IMG_7244
Ou, Jiun-You: IMG_3089
Ou, Jiun-You: praterstern
Ou, Jiun-You: almost full moon
Ou, Jiun-You: IMG_0302
Ou, Jiun-You: IMG_0331
Ou, Jiun-You: IMG_0333
Ou, Jiun-You: IMG_5864
Ou, Jiun-You: IMG_5886
Ou, Jiun-You: IMG_5432
Ou, Jiun-You: IMG_5916
Ou, Jiun-You: 17 years
Ou, Jiun-You: sunny afternoon
Ou, Jiun-You: Untersberg marble
Ou, Jiun-You: wiener gold, autumn
Ou, Jiun-You: IMG_1772
Ou, Jiun-You: morning light