bobtravis: Shy narcissus....
bobtravis: Remembering Spring....
bobtravis: Bursting with energy!
bobtravis: Reaching for the sky
bobtravis: Snowdrop, closer....
bobtravis: Cosmos
bobtravis: Water lily
bobtravis: Spring in Catania
bobtravis: Valley Drive, Manhattan Beach
bobtravis: Blue
bobtravis: Looking ahead to Spring!
bobtravis: Roses
bobtravis: One rose
bobtravis: Remnant of warmth
bobtravis: First crocus of the year!
bobtravis: Spring daffodils...
bobtravis: more crocus....
bobtravis: 80 degrees in Charlottesville today!
bobtravis: Afternoon light
bobtravis: Orchid
bobtravis: Orchid (1)
bobtravis: Welcome Spring!
bobtravis: Clear and sunny
bobtravis: Reaching for the sun!
bobtravis: Bird of Paradise
bobtravis: Contrasts
bobtravis: Rose a little past peak.... but still beautiful!
bobtravis: Manhattan Beach Pier on a cloudy day
bobtravis: Blue
bobtravis: Pink and yellow