bobtravis: Backyard turkeys surveying the options...
bobtravis: Full Snow Moon, from Casco ME
bobtravis: Downy
bobtravis: Cardinal
bobtravis: IMG_3481
bobtravis: Cardinal
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bobtravis: Red-bellied
bobtravis: Pileated Woodpecker at the suet feeder
bobtravis: Waxing crescent moon
bobtravis: Mt Washington, from Casco
bobtravis: Halloween full moon!
bobtravis: Where the trail crosses a stream....
bobtravis: Solitary turtle.... :-)
bobtravis: Nagog Brook pond
bobtravis: Pink Super Moon
bobtravis: Scarlet Tanager
bobtravis: Lilacs in bloom
bobtravis: Lilacs in bloom
bobtravis: Chow time!
bobtravis: Still life with pincushion 😊
bobtravis: Blooming inside, by the window, while everything outside is frozen solid! :-)
bobtravis: Solstice Moon - 12-23-18
bobtravis: Surf and seagull
bobtravis: Molly Flannery and Haley Peltz at Chelmsford Center for the Arts
bobtravis: The amazing Haley Peltz
bobtravis: IMG_1518
bobtravis: IMG_1515
bobtravis: IMG_1514
bobtravis: IMG_1509