bobtravis: DSC00174
bobtravis: DSC00173
bobtravis: DSC00172
bobtravis: DSC00171
bobtravis: Cold Comfort
bobtravis: Water lily
bobtravis: Ready for the marshmallows....
bobtravis: Waiting for the sun
bobtravis: Ripples
bobtravis: Fireworks on Raymond Pond
bobtravis: Raymond Pond sky view
bobtravis: Summer afternoon at the lake
bobtravis: Loon closeup
bobtravis: Common Loon
bobtravis: Winged beauty, on the rocks
bobtravis: Sunrise at Raymond Pond
bobtravis: Super moon on Raymond Pond
bobtravis: Mergansers on the raft
bobtravis: Follow the leader
bobtravis: Taking flight
bobtravis: Sunrise pano at Raymond Pond
bobtravis: image
bobtravis: Bald Eagle
bobtravis: July afternoon on the pond
bobtravis: Clouds at sunset, on the pond
bobtravis: Evening colors
bobtravis: July 31 2015 "Blue Moon"