Greg Tappenden: Razorbill
Greg Tappenden: Stonechat
Greg Tappenden: Razorbill
Greg Tappenden: Stonechat
jackez2010: Mésange bleue_A919056_DxO
jackez2010: Hirondelle rustique A1_04071_DxO
M_squared Images: On the lip
M_squared Images: Show a leg
lfalterbauer: 2I1A9261-Edit1
lfalterbauer: 2I1A6052-Edit1
lfalterbauer: 2I1A3094-Edit
lfalterbauer: 2I1A4371-Edit1
Gianluigi Roda Photography: Il Lago Trasimeno (i)
Gianluigi Roda Photography: Parco di Villa Adriana a Tivoli (iii)
Chiew L: Barn Owl
Chiew L: Moody sunrise at Hualien, Taiwan
Chiew L: Barn Owl siblings. How nice of them to pose for me.
Chiew L: Wonderful to see the close bond between these two Barn Owl siblings
Chiew L: Juvenile Little Owls
Chiew L: Portrait of a young Barn Owl
Chiew L: Pheasant
Chiew L: Little Owlet
Chiew L: Sunrise
Chiew L: Barn Owl
HelmiGloor: Gelbling
HelmiGloor: Migrant hawker