Bob 1951: Another storefront on Main Street...
Bob 1951: December 26 - Harry after breakfast...
Bob 1951: Another, better, view of the rack..
Bob 1951: The rack in the van...
Bob 1951: "The Van"
Bob 1951: Perry, NY
Bob 1951: This morning at the Warsaw Hospital for VA Blood Lab work... get poked, then pee... Tomorrow they let me know if I eat too many doughnuts...
Bob 1951: On may way to the studio...
Bob 1951: I was out for a drive with my son today going nowhere... And passed this house, turned around and made this photo...
Bob 1951: September 11, 2015, Perry, NY
Bob 1951: IMG_20150626_114316
Bob 1951: Castile, NY
Bob 1951: Castile, NY
Bob 1951: MARS @Geneseo Airport
Bob 1951: MARS @ Geneseo Airport
Bob 1951: Monroe Astronautical Rocket Society @ Geneseo Airport
Bob 1951: Village Park, Perry, NY
Bob 1951: Village Park, Perry, NY
Bob 1951: Village Park, Perry, NY
Bob 1951: On my way to get some ice cream... Perry, NY
Bob 1951: The Fishermen Are Back, Silver Lake Outlet, Perry, NY
Bob 1951: Silver Lake Outlet Trail
Bob 1951: Letchworth State Park
Bob 1951: Future Bridge
Bob 1951: Letchworth State Park
Bob 1951: Breakfast today...
Bob 1951: Springville, NY
Bob 1951: Springville, NY
Bob 1951: Castile, NY
Bob 1951: IMG_20150222_094939