bobbyzamora1: 52 hours of M33, The Triangulum Galaxy, LRGBH
bobbyzamora1: NGC 7814, Little Sombrero galaxy, LRGB
bobbyzamora1: 50 hours of NGC 7331, LRGB
bobbyzamora1: 50 hours of Stephan's Quintet, LRGB
bobbyzamora1: 50 hours deep field of NGC 7331 & Stephan's Quintet, LRGB
bobbyzamora1: Deep field of ARP 99, LRGB
bobbyzamora1: Comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) over El Teide
bobbyzamora1: NGC 7635, Bubble nebula, SHO
bobbyzamora1: M27, Dumbbell nebula, SHO
bobbyzamora1: M100, LRGB
bobbyzamora1: Markarian's Chain with hydrogen bridge, LRGBH
bobbyzamora1: Deep view of NGC 2683 with Gravitational lensing arc in cluster SDSS J0851+3331-E, LRGB
bobbyzamora1: NGC 3628, the Hamburger Galaxy, LRGB
bobbyzamora1: NGC 2841, LRGB
bobbyzamora1: Deep field of NGC 974, LRGB
bobbyzamora1: Melotte 15, SHO
bobbyzamora1: Cone Nebula and the Christmas Tree Cluster, NGC 2264, SHO
bobbyzamora1: M45, Pleiades, two-panel mosaic, LRGB
bobbyzamora1: M74, LRGBH
bobbyzamora1: Arp 273, LRGB
bobbyzamora1: A deep view on NGC 7717 & IFN, LRGB
bobbyzamora1: NGC 1530, LRGB
bobbyzamora1: NGC 7465, NGC 7464, NGC 7463 & IFN, LRGB
bobbyzamora1: NGC 7331, Stephan's Quintet & IFN, LRGB
bobbyzamora1: NGC 7822, SHO
bobbyzamora1: NGC 7000, Cygnus Wall, SHO
bobbyzamora1: M15 Globular cluster, LRGB
bobbyzamora1: NGC 5965, NGC 5963, NGC 5971 (with faint tidal stream), NGC 5969 galaxies, LRGB
bobbyzamora1: IC 1396, The Elephant's Trunk Nebula, SHO
bobbyzamora1: NGC 6888, Crescent nebula, HOO