BOBARLA: Cat love
BOBARLA: "Not the momma"
BOBARLA: The ideal man
BOBARLA: Ohio is for lovers.
BOBARLA: If you ever feel like creepin' too,
BOBARLA: image
BOBARLA: jalil and josh
BOBARLA: Just a rough draft.
BOBARLA: We're all searching for happiness.
BOBARLA: image
BOBARLA: The infamous mobile pictures.
BOBARLA: image
BOBARLA: October 9th, 2011
BOBARLA: Hope this changes everything.
BOBARLA: I have a new kitten; his name is Vegeta.
BOBARLA: The longer I'm with him,
BOBARLA: This I promise you
BOBARLA: Everytime I see his face,
BOBARLA: 1/11/11
BOBARLA: I've come to terms with the concept:
BOBARLA: What if I can't forget you? I'll burn your name into my throat, I'll be the fire that'll catch you.
BOBARLA: I think about you everyday.
BOBARLA: The things I'd do to catch a glimpse of you.
BOBARLA: Unmentionable embarrassment.
BOBARLA: write-off
BOBARLA: New Beginnings.
BOBARLA: I'm lying to myself.
BOBARLA: It's not over. At least not to me.
BOBARLA: Wrapped in confusion;