Bob L F: Narcissus
Bob L F: Abandoned
Bob L F: Mallard butt
Bob L F: Spring abstract
Bob L F: Railroad bridge
Bob L F: pothole abstract I
Bob L F: Pothole abstract II
Bob L F: more ice abstracts
Bob L F: more ice abstracts II
Bob L F: Kelly's Diner
Bob L F: yet another ice abstract
Bob L F: Day and Night Diner
Bob L F: Ice picture
Bob L F: ice abstract
Bob L F: ice abstract
Bob L F: Clematis vine with snow
Bob L F: tide pool
Bob L F: ice
Bob L F: Pemaquid Point ME
Bob L F: Rock abstract with bird
Bob L F: mushroom abstract
Bob L F: spiral begonias
Bob L F: weedy abstract
Bob L F: Abandoned wharf pilings
Bob L F: the view from below
Bob L F: Black Guillemot
Bob L F: rock and lichen abstract
Bob L F: crab spider with lunch
Bob L F: Not so scenic anymore
Bob L F: Dragonfly reflections