ybiberman: Dance me to the end
ybiberman: Hand in Hand
Florian Samuel Berger: space_color_ruins_OF_PRAG
Florian Samuel Berger: Voest Alpine - Panorama
Babak Fatholahi: Midnight
david schweitzer: Africa Adorned
dawvonism: ❄️Snowy Owl
Christian Mathis: Dans le morung de Hongpoy 1
Christian Mathis: Deux femmes Monpa
Linda DV: Mursi woman and baby
Christian Mathis: Hui d'aujourd'hui
Christian Mathis: Tibétain en pélerinage à Labrang
Christian Mathis: Et pourtant, elle tourne
Christian Mathis: Un beau vieillard
Linda DV: Younger Apatani woman
Linda DV: Young girl selling selfmade seashell souvenirs.
Linda DV: meat market
Christian Mathis: Le retour du puits
denn22: DSCF1704
ybiberman: I believe she was a stunning maiden; I think she did not change much since then. And I get the impression she knows it…
ybiberman: I must admit he frightened me (and still does when I look at the photo)…
ybiberman: The Israelis
ybiberman: I don't know what you think of her.
ybiberman: The Best Show in town
ybiberman: They weren't sure whether they are friendly towards me and my cam, or aggressive. To be on the safe side: they posed
ybiberman: Israel: At the end of the Delta, and towards the show up of the Omicron – La Dolce Vita…
J.R. Rondeau: The lone light