bnilsen: Napping on the laptop touchpad
bnilsen: First salad of the CSA season. @sixbootscollective #delicious
bnilsen: What do you do with them? We boil 'em.
bnilsen: Load out kings
bnilsen: Rock and more rock
bnilsen: Considering a stair escape
bnilsen: Conference call companion
bnilsen: Idiocracy is real
bnilsen: Photo
bnilsen: Photo
bnilsen: Duck season
bnilsen: TFW it's a holiday for everyone but you😢
bnilsen: How do I hit ctrl-alt-del?
bnilsen: Back of Buttercup
bnilsen: Buttercup
bnilsen: Sunday cat
bnilsen: Derpy tongue
bnilsen: Good afternoon!
bnilsen: Trying out a new chair
bnilsen: Box top plus sun 😁😁😁
bnilsen: Quitting time
bnilsen: Midday slump
bnilsen: On Thursday I sit in the red chair.
bnilsen: Somebody is in my chair again
bnilsen: Mushrooms and fence
bnilsen: Clouds and mountains on the way to Greensboro
bnilsen: Hi, I just barfed all over your bed, but you don't know it yet!😂😂😂😇
bnilsen: Hi, I just barfed all over your bed, but you don't know it yet!😂😂😂😇
bnilsen: Photo
bnilsen: When one cookie is not enough