Another Partial Success: St Alphage in a ball
ZorbaTheGeek: Sleepy Swinger
ZorbaTheGeek: May 27, 2008-11
Bill Walker: Western Bluebird
CampCrazy Photography: Double Dipping
Zaffiro&Acciaio: Marco Ferrari: Una mattina nel bosco 1. Parco dei Lagoni, Mercurago, 20 gennaio 2008
KarenMarleneLarsen: day off coffee out
ficus: Paving in Copenhagen
Patti Henderson: Red Leaves
ktelqueen: i'll dry your tears
cloud_nine: give me the light
DodgeMedlin: Under the freeway
smidka: rays.
Back in the Pack: Big Man On Campus
Trin M.: rainbow lorikeet
Philip Schade: Spoon on Fire
Ismail Shariff: Painted Stork (Mycteria leucocephala )
Eyken :): Frosted branch
CourtneyAllison: Point Reyes2008-01-18_112
fgfathome: Quiet Giant
FitzClick: bowled over
chet3: Fog shrouds the Golden Gate Bridge
el buitre: Faggeta d'inverno
ryian: Reach for the sky...
Jaypeg21: Golden
Jaypeg21: Driplets
Eva Ganesha: Duck diving