Bmichelo: Corks
Bmichelo: Civil War Hero
Bmichelo: Rochester Light Show 2014
Bmichelo: Eat More Veggies
Bmichelo: Week 18 / 52 Copycat Theme
Bmichelo: Don't Put All of Your Eggs in One Basket
Bmichelo: Stone Cottage Week 15 / 52 Like a Painting
Bmichelo: Mr. Squirrel on the Railing
Bmichelo: Ukrainian Village Church
Bmichelo: The Worldly Philosopher. Week 11 of 52. Street Photography.
Bmichelo: What Is It? Week 10 of 52
Bmichelo: When Worlds Collide. Week 9 of 52-Myths and Legends Theme
Bmichelo: Peanuts for Me? Week 8 / 52--Low angle POV
Bmichelo: Upside Down Squirrel Week 7 of 52 Theme: Rotation
Bmichelo: I See You. Week 6 of 52
Bmichelo: No Movies Today. Week 5 of 52. Theme is: Post--Apocalypse
Bmichelo: Broken Chain. Week 4 of 52. Quotations
Bmichelo: Buzz Lightyear v. The Eggs. Week 3 / 52: Broken
Bmichelo: Rubber Ducky. Week 2 of 52. Water Drop Refraction
Bmichelo: Week 1 of 52, Home
Bmichelo: The End of The Year 52 / 52
Bmichelo: The Big, Bright Light Show. 51 / 52
Bmichelo: Me and My Brownie
Bmichelo: Texture Week 49 / 50
Bmichelo: Week 48 / 52
Bmichelo: Week 47 of 52
Bmichelo: Week 46 / 52
Bmichelo: Milkweed Week 45 / 52
Bmichelo: What, Me Worry? Week 44 / 52
Bmichelo: Vultures Week 43 / 52 Creepy