Lu.Na.Nadia Lucisano: ...bisogna saper attendere....
MaPeV: Il mio gatto
m@ri2006: monday
Master Mason: Longobarda Campione (2003)
Il Dottore: Bunk Bed for the Applicant
m@ri2006: in my mind...
m@ri2006: body language in one act
Il Dottore: Absolut
Il Dottore: Jimi Left handed
sourmash: B&W Portrait
Berna#4: Dois campeoes
Clod79: Do not disturb! / Non disturbare!
sourmash: Una tigre!
Master Mason: Voodoo People
Janny Brocken: Tuesday-taking care day.
*chiara*: Sete in alta quota ...
m@ri2006: blue sky
m@ri2006: my cigarette & I
m@ri2006: frightened
m@ri2006: nervous
m@ri2006: good morning!
m@ri2006: sit down,give me your hand,I'm gonna tell you the future...
amankay: PITUFINA
m@ri2006: eating my hair...
m@ri2006: my flower,sun-flower
amankay: MIAUUUUUU!!
d_o_w_e_r: Herbie_