Blueville Youth Group: Special Vest
Blueville Youth Group: Sarah in Fronds
Blueville Youth Group: Sarah at the Sinks
Blueville Youth Group: Old Time Sarah
Blueville Youth Group: Jake Freezing
Blueville Youth Group: A Peaceful Sarah Moment
Blueville Youth Group: Captain Nature
Blueville Youth Group: Alex Fishing
Blueville Youth Group: Jacob reading his Bible at the last campfire
Blueville Youth Group: Sarah & Faith
Blueville Youth Group: Chance and Mallory
Blueville Youth Group: Vinnie, Amy, and Heather
Blueville Youth Group: Matty and London
Blueville Youth Group: Farting the Tube
Blueville Youth Group: Amy, Rachel, and Heather
Blueville Youth Group: Pat Perkins performing illegal deeds at the risk of biting the pill
Blueville Youth Group: Heather and Amy on Dress-up night
Blueville Youth Group: Our (ever-increasingly counsellor heavy) table
Blueville Youth Group: 36th Street Dominated the Bible Bowl.
Blueville Youth Group: Rachel with her girls