Salt Wizard: The Old Post
Salt Wizard: The Great Tire Escape
Salt Wizard: Forecast No Clouds
Salt Wizard: First Snow
Dancing Bohunk: Cold Fire
nature55: Borage from my gardens.
MatthwJ: Peanut Butter Heart Cookies
armelle25: C'est la fin de l'hiver
Mary Warren 21.5 Million Views: Warrenville, IL, Blackwell Forest Preserve, West Branch of the DuPage River, Butterfield Road Bridge
Jens Schröter: Pilze im Winter
Alexey Kljatov: Snowflake (explore 16 Dec 2020)
jimmy hoffman: Pseudocreobotra wahlbergi
Herman Hofman: Dangerous work.
GreeboGuru: Froglife
DougKeder: In the upside down
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG): Noble's Swallowtail Butterfly Caterpillars (Papilio noblei, Papilionidae)
@magda627: Leaves obsession
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG): Uraniid Moths (Paradecetia or Brachydecetia sp., Auzeinae, Uraniidae)
scottamus: OH Columbus - Ohio State Fair Cake 12
nature55: Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
rykemerling: P2095504
rykemerling: IMG_9445_2
rykemerling: IMG_9470_2
M E For Bees (Was Margaret Edge The Bee Girl): National Agriculture Centre Apiary
Мiuda: Violet Cupcakes
iri5: Goodnight Queen of Soul
aorg1961: Hirundo rustica DSCF2569_edited_copy
Coghill Cartooning: Thanks to @topgear @mleblanc & @harrismonkey for featuring my Bigfoot Patrol patch on this week's episode!
mike frank 31: arctic stream