Jena76: Cruise Gals
lisey: 1-6-10
ceart99: 20100107
snarkyboy: 2009-01-06
- j-o-h-n -: Soccer Sunrise
Vidiot: I thought all the viewfinders were a striking sight.
Vidiot: Barack & Michelle Obama
Vidiot: Mr. President
Vidiot: Obama greets the Clintons
Vidiot: Barack Obama greets his family
Vidiot: Inauguration Scene
Vidiot: Malia & Sasha Obama
Vidiot: Bill & Hillary Clinton
Vidiot: Colors & Ribbons
peephole: why i buy boots
peephole: empty
Vidiot: BAR
Jonobeirne: Coney Island 1
Vidiot: 1Y69
cg_photo: orchids_20.jpg
Vidiot: Going Home
Kathryn Yu: Attention All Passengers: There is a Monster on the Uptown 6 Local Train, Approaching Astor Place
Vidiot: Skyline and Parkway
Jonobeirne: ships in provincetown
Jonobeirne: Tractor
Vidiot: Hearst Tower Facade
Vidiot: Spanky
Vidiot: Queensboro Sunset
Vidiot: Pete's Clam Stop
Vidiot: Astroland, from Playland