sforrest45: IMG_7546
Dave (www.DogversationsBook.com): it's a good thing she never realized how small she was.
Dogloverlou: Happy pup :) *Explore*
Dogloverlou: A sleeping Ted.
Dogloverlou: Those mischievous puppy eyes.
tootdood: Trail maker
tootdood: Beauty and the beast
evaxebra: Day 2460
tootdood: Not bark, I wanted to go to the park
tootdood: Blended building
NeilPas: guardian of the flock (96)
tootdood: Waiting to be fed
tootdood: Picking a winner
sforrest45: Big bad wolf
Maria K Steinsson: Little Red Riding Hood
sforrest45: Almost
sforrest45: Raphael
sforrest45: Center
evaxebra: Day 2073
Di's Eyes: 3775. Electric pylon
evaxebra: Day 2065
tootdood: I found my loose screw
helen sotiriadis: just another equinox
tootdood: Exchange wanted
aprevite: Polar Bear
sforrest45: wired
tootdood: Repetition
Violet Kashi: Bonjour!