~Phamster~: Wedding Rings with Tilt shift
David Gn Photography: Laser Light Show at Marina Bay Sands Hotel and Casino II
welshio: Trees in the Mist - Blue
Yuliya Bahr: Whiteness
Seth Patterson: Fading Glow
Wiffsmiff23 AWPF: " THE HAPPY CLIENT "
Anindo Ghosh: Pink Flamingo Panorama
soumitra911: Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher
Oleg Ti: Lena
Stuart Addelsee: Cave Dive
rosiehardy: Only Love
Greg Morgan wildlife: Arctic terns
☆Mi☺Λmor☆: if you do the right thing you get to live happily every after ... and enjoy such bliss of nature as this...
trace.PRASHANT: In the right light, at the right time and at the right place, everything is extraordinary.
walvekar: Pain is temporary, Pride is forever
walvekar: "If you are losing faith in human nature, go out and watch a marathon." : Kathrine Switzer
Anoop Negi: Forest Fires Shimla Hills, India
winnu: IMG_3396-001
☆Mi☺Λmor☆: A perfection of means, and confusion of aims, seems to be our main problem...
trace.PRASHANT: निवांत मंडई...
Ram Balmur: A portrait by window light of my wonderful wife, Renuka.
Refracted Reality: zion_sunset
m. geven: Goosander (Mergus merganse)
Anastasia Volkova: chase the sun
Restless mind: More play of light
bhushanmate: Flycatcher
wyliedwyer: dream...