Nayana :D: There is not enough darkness in all the world to put out the light of even one small candle. - Explored, May 20th, 2009 # 66.
Nayana :D: All that glitter...
Nayana :D: Light experiment
Nayana :D: P@P shoot for Photo Assignment A to Z
Nayana :D: There's a light burning somewhere...
Nayana :D: Iss mod se jaate hain, kuch sust kadam raste, kuch tez qadam rahein… - Explored, June 6th, 2009 # 97
Nayana :D: Confused. - Explored, 16th November, 2009 # 137.
Nayana :D: Argue for your limitations, & sure enough they are yours. – Richard Bach
Nayana :D: Espresso yourself! :)
Nayana :D: Losing focus...
Nayana :D: सप्तमं विघ्नराजेन्द्रं धुम्रवर्णं तथाषष्टम
Nayana :D: Where there's tea there's hope. ;) ~ Arthur W Pinero
Nayana :D: Heart to heart...
Nayana :D: Yellow wakes me up (in the morning.) ~ Lance Armstrong
Nayana :D: My coffee gets increasingly better the more I drink and the closer I come to the bottom of the cup, where all the sugar is. ~ Jarod Kintz