Mancha Extraña: Brujas, Bélgica.
JNTLTE: Halloween night !
andre govia.: Abandoned mansion
Sandra H-K: Happy Monday my Flickr friends!
andre govia.: Autumn approaches
David Olkarny Photography: Somewhere in a blurry world
davebrosha: Somewhere Only We Know
PaxaMik: Heure hindoue
marlisse_mcrobie: DIY Dragonfly (Explored 9/21/15)
biskitbeetle: view from the dunes
ichmachfilm: down the hall
Jarrad.: Maintaining The Glow
Hammerchewer: Dashing through the glow
Joel Robison: The Grand Adventure
brookeshaden: turnkey symphony
Paul Saad: Maronite Church Mulbarton HDR, Johannesburg
Christian Hermann Fotografie: Sunset in winter, Lucerne, Switzerland
Sketchless Photography: Raindrops (6/52)
Swaranjeet: Rajasthani Clint . . . Pushkar-20131107-1027-BK2W9937-Edit