BLTP Photo: no back wheel
BLTP Photo: no front wheel
BLTP Photo: wheelz......
BLTP Photo: railing against the tide
BLTP Photo: River Racer
BLTP Photo: London wheel
BLTP Photo: tennis ball
BLTP Photo: another lost sole
BLTP Photo: down at heel
BLTP Photo: lost sole
BLTP Photo: down at heel.....
BLTP Photo: Tiny lost sole
BLTP Photo: Down at heel, adrift in the the tide
BLTP Photo: Down at heel pt10
BLTP Photo: Well Heeled
BLTP Photo: Another Lost Sole
BLTP Photo: down at heel in lewisham
BLTP Photo: sole remains
BLTP Photo: doesn't really need a caption
BLTP Photo: Igor is lonely master.....
BLTP Photo: Spotted on the Streets
BLTP Photo: hand in glove
BLTP Photo: hot hoover street pickup
BLTP Photo: life's a peach AKA above the cobbles the peach....
BLTP Photo: life's a peach: day 3
BLTP Photo: lifes a peach: night time
BLTP Photo: Flotsam or is it jetsam?
BLTP Photo: his & hers
BLTP Photo: Travelling light