BLTP Photo: yellow lorry
BLTP Photo: layby
BLTP Photo: tunnel
BLTP Photo: rover
BLTP Photo: wrecked
BLTP Photo: train glimpse
BLTP Photo: I love this view : The other day while I was brushing flakes of croissaints from my shirt and the rain fell on the gables of Rue Ste Catheriné, the theme from "Amelié" popped up on my playlist
BLTP Photo: It's my life #talktalk #vinyl I've always loved Mark's music it's filled with so much joy, beauty and solace. Love to his family and friends #RIPMarkHollis
BLTP Photo: A grand bunch of lads #yarden #spring #FlowerReport
BLTP Photo: Iris! Love these tiny gems, they have bloomed later than previously but are always welcome. #yarden #FlowerReport #flowers
BLTP Photo: Keen eyed fans of the Youth will see that it has the Richard Avedon picture on sleeve and so it's an early uncensored copy 💅 I bought it in a shop Egham but being an indecisive consumer I'd been in 3 times to look at it. In the end the shopowne
BLTP Photo: Winter 2019
BLTP Photo: 2019-02-04_01-40-10
BLTP Photo: Parklife
BLTP Photo: Winter solitude-- in a world of one color the sound of wind. Matsuo Bashō. Ripponden Feb 2019
BLTP Photo: 2019-02-03_06-07-43
BLTP Photo: Dawn Haw Frost : Feb 2019. The modern beauty of frost under street light
BLTP Photo: Listen the snow is falling
BLTP Photo: #manchester
BLTP Photo: " nobody,not even the rain,has such small hands " #yarden #spring
BLTP Photo: Potential: even the buds of Alliums are beautiful #Yarden #spring #gardening
BLTP Photo: A crown is merely a hat that lets the rain in. Frederick the Great #Yarden
BLTP Photo: Strawberry Fields forever No one I think is in my tree I mean it must be high or low That is you know you can't tune it But it's all right That is I think it's not too bad #beatles
BLTP Photo: Pop art never died it just went to B&Q
BLTP Photo: I'm in a garden centre
BLTP Photo: British "sakura" is not too shabby
BLTP Photo: Watching the bumbles suckling on my alliums. Drink deep on the oniony nectar my little furry buzzy friends #yarden
BLTP Photo: I'm in a garden centre