Jim Cumming: Mascara: How much is too much? - Royal Tern
Jim Cumming: Feet don't fail me now! - Red Squirrel
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Jim Cumming: Wood duck smile - Wood Duck, Ottawa
Jim Cumming: Sandhill Crane Closeup
Jim Cumming: Seagull walks on water
Jim Cumming: Eurasion Eagle Owl
Jim Cumming: Clash of the Titans - White tailed deer, Ottawa, Ontario
Jim Cumming: Hummingbird Moth
Jim Cumming: Mom!...Timmy won't move over! - Pied-billed Grebe
Jim Cumming: Green Heron
Jim Cumming: Female Red-winged blackbird
ex_magician: Little Glass Mountain, Medicine Lake Highlands
ex_magician: Little Medicine Lake
Jim Cumming: Bad Hair Day - Blue Jay
Bill Bouton: Spiny Phlox, Phlox hoodii
Bill Bouton: Baker's Violet, Viola bakeri
Razorworks101: Bullseye Lake- Modoc National Forest.
Markkit: First Glimpse
Markkit: A Welcome Site
Markkit: Here's the Beef!
Markkit: Adri @ Clear Lake: 2
Markkit: That's a Keeper!
Jim Cumming: Great Gray Owl, Ottawa, Canada
Greg Schneider (gschneiderphoto.com): Great Gray Owl flying in snow
hearman: Great Grey Owl
Ron Kube Photography: Great Grey Owl DSC_5769