Skippy Beresford: Learning is the discovery that something is possible.
Skippy Beresford: Always believe that something wonderful is about to happen.
Skippy Beresford: Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tunes without the words and never stops at all.
Skippy Beresford: No matter what accomplishments you achieve, somebody helps you.
Skippy Beresford: People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.
Skippy Beresford: The main reason for healing is love.
Skippy Beresford: In the kind of world we have today, transformation of humanity might well be our only real hope for survival.
Skippy Beresford: You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience where you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do.
Skippy Beresford: We did not come to fear the future. We came here to shape it.
Skippy Beresford: Character, not circumstances, makes the person.
Skippy Beresford: A genuine smile builds bridges, bonds, inspires, and unites.
Skippy Beresford: Joy is the simplest form of gratitude.
Skippy Beresford: Where love is concerned, too much is not even enough.
Skippy Beresford: To be able to find joy in another's joy: that is the secret of happiness.
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morochabright: LOOK ::..448..::
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亗.FIL GOOD.亗: Caline ...
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Kaua Newey: Sincerity...,confidence...,harmony...,equilibrity!! ♥
Kaua Newey: My RL Stuff hehe
Katie Scarlet Delaney: •☽ "No one ever finishes that proverb. 'Curiosity killed the cat...but satisfaction brought it back." ☾•