trusimplicity: Yellow leaves
trusimplicity: Red leaves
trusimplicity: "...know yourself as nothing more than dust.” ~Rumi
trusimplicity: Rain on the way...
trusimplicity: Today was a 3rd cup-of coffee-with-whip-cream-im-too-tired-to-care kinda day.
trusimplicity: It was such a pretty day today
trusimplicity: Saturday night in
trusimplicity: Good morning
trusimplicity: Just me, you, and the ocean
trusimplicity: Mash'Allah ring
trusimplicity: Early morning coffee with this view
trusimplicity: Pomegranate chocolate cake
trusimplicity: “Search for a beautiful heart, not a beautiful face. Beautiful things are not always good, but good things are always beautiful."
trusimplicity: When asked about the greatest verse in the Qur'an, Imam Ali ar-Ridha (as) says, "[It is] 'Bismillah hir Rahman nir Raheem'."
trusimplicity: Those little birds have an amazing view #clouds
trusimplicity: I just love this season
trusimplicity: “When my dua is accepted I become happy because this is my wish, but when my dua is not accepted I become more happy because this was Allah’s Will.” - Imam Ali (as)
trusimplicity: Refuge and retreat #goodnight
trusimplicity: Good morning ☕ Hope your day is just as warm :) #yum #goodness #fall #sunny
trusimplicity: Waking up to the rain.... 'Which favors of your Lord will you deny?' #beauty
trusimplicity: Prayer.
trusimplicity: #vintagecamera
trusimplicity: Good morning :)