Blockaderunner: LRC-55 Blackcap
Blockaderunner: S-44 Ganymede Twin
Blockaderunner: Rodger Young 176
Blockaderunner: "Traveling through hyperspace ain't like dusting crops, boy!"
Blockaderunner: "But there's nowhere else to go!"
Blockaderunner: "Echo Three to Echo Seven."
Blockaderunner: "You worry about those fighters! I'll worry about the tower!"
Blockaderunner: FNX-77 Fornax
Blockaderunner: "General Kenobi, don't land, the zone is hot!"
Blockaderunner: LAS-45 "Roadrunner"
Blockaderunner: "We can still outmanoeuvre them."
Blockaderunner: "Look sir, droids!"
Blockaderunner: "I hope the old man got the tractor beam out of commission."
Blockaderunner: "Keep on that one, I'll take these two."
Blockaderunner: "Princess, we'll find Han. I promise."
Blockaderunner: "Our first catch of the day."
Blockaderunner: "What a piece of junk!"
Blockaderunner: "All the scopes are dead. I can't see a thing!"
Blockaderunner: "You do have your moments."
Blockaderunner: "This is Red Five; I'm going in!"
Blockaderunner: "Evacuate remaining ground staff."
Blockaderunner: Tantive IV
Blockaderunner: "I think we're in trouble."
Blockaderunner: "Rogue Group, use your harpoons and tow cables."
Blockaderunner: Evacuation
Blockaderunner: "Just like Beggar's Canyon."
Blockaderunner: "All right,men. Load your weapons!"
Blockaderunner: Farewell to the Falcon
Blockaderunner: "That armor's too strong for blasters."
Blockaderunner: The Millennium Falcon on approach