johnhallmen: Curculio
johnhallmen: Tiny weevil
J.Muir from Santa Cruz: 2016 mixtehual
faster panda kill kill: i just asked pie if he would like to go on a walk, even though we can't because it's raining, just so I could get this shot. i'm going to hell.
faster panda kill kill: o just taking a walk with a headscarf on, it's windy!
johnhallmen: Aromia Sunrise
johnhallmen: Raft Spider
faster panda kill kill: my dog pie holds the couch down for us so it doesn't float off into space. thanks pie.
faster panda kill kill: ducks in a row
brooke!: one last how-to-not-die driving lesson before Chris heads to hot springs nat'l park
johnhallmen: Evolution: Let there be light
brooke!: g'bye forever baby hat, I'm going to 'the big city' (moab) n finding myself a cute baseball cap
brooke!: nice to stumble upon this in the mid of graffiti patrol, cap reef
brooke!: detail
brooke!: detail- you can do a lot w dashes n dots
Paul Fuster: Brazed and working excellent.. I tapped the shift lever, put a screw in there to pinch the cable as it wraps around and made an adjustable stop.. But I found a "real" nivex lever now and all I gotta build is the guide plate..
John Watson / The Radavist: 10 Minutes of Light
brooke!: messy shot of the 10finished n 1 unfinished drawings in this series. a successful progression, my first in a year, n directly inspired first by mark n second by the artist tom killion. I'll get bored after about 6more n will move on to a new style/format
brooke!: ranger k posing <3
brooke!: i want to call him my 'best boss ever' but then i remember all the other 'best bosses' i've been lucky to have
brooke!: my first off-trail Sierra crossing (not too far from Donahue pass), ansel adams wilderness
Paul Fuster: Castle overlooking my town
Paul Fuster: Cargo tandem frame I built in 2010
Paul Fuster: I raise chickens here and send them to the future just in case..
Paul Fuster: Closer to Getting done
brooke!: o civilization <3 nail polish, el paso
brooke!: summertyme, guadalupe mtns np