Lone△wolf: Second Chance
Lone△wolf: Sleepless
Lone△wolf: I could break it down like this
Lone△wolf: You just brought piss to a shit fight
Lone△wolf: Probably not MKULTRA
Lone△wolf: This is photobomb
Lone△wolf: Tokyo Lust
Lone△wolf: Ready to launch
Lone△wolf: After Time
Lone△wolf: I. Am. You.
Lone△wolf: Go overboard
Lone△wolf: Upper Hengsha
Lone△wolf: Keep Shelly In Athens
Lone△wolf: All I'm offering you is the truth
Lone△wolf: Sometimes you still lose
Lone△wolf: Deadalus
Lone△wolf: Video Game logic
Lone△wolf: No grime, no crime
Lone△wolf: GIT GUD
Lone△wolf: Grab a napkin, homie. You just got served.
Lone△wolf: The other side of darkness
Lone△wolf: Anywhere but home
Lone△wolf: M|O|O|N
Lone△wolf: When you're hurt and scared for so long, the fear and pain turn to hate and the hate starts to change the world.
Lone△wolf: Still On Fire
Lone△wolf: Burty Dutt