Jeannette Greaves: February 20, 2012 (78)
Gerry Danen: A bird in the hand - Red-breasted Nuthatch
flores.david84: The Crick
fritter and waste: [131 / 365]
Beaches Marley.....iPad art: AngkorWat Cambodia 4
fritter and waste: Birdy hop.
Jeannette Greaves: December 30, 2011 (53)
adf6879: Did I hear sleighbells?????
Jeannette Greaves: Dec. 26, 2011 (37)
Raymond Lee Photography: Morning Geese at Murray Marsh
Raymond Lee Photography: American Avocet
Traps90: From Christmas Past
Dave W.: Berries for breakfast
Rob McKay Photography: Red-tailed Hawk Banking (Krider's subspecies of Red-tailed Hawk)
Gerry Danen: Osprey checking me out
Joy Leong-Danen: Avens, Three-Flowered. Old Man's Whiskers - fruit and bud
Joy Leong-Danen: Common Yellowthroat (male)
Gerry Danen: Marsh Wren
Joy Leong-Danen: Common Goldeneye (female) - dreamy
Raymond Lee Photography: Surf Scoter Portrait
Earl Reinink: Woodpecker (Red-headed) - 0012
texasgloria52: MALE- CARDINAL
Gerry Danen: Yellow Warbler
Joy Leong-Danen: Canada Goose - Gosling up close
texasgloria52: MALE--SUMMER TANAGER
texasgloria52: Black-capped vireo--2