黑寡婦 Hēi guǎfù: Wife came to visit me at rehearsal last night… so I took her to dinner!!!
黑寡婦 Hēi guǎfù: It’s snowing!!!!
黑寡婦 Hēi guǎfù: Liking the warm December weather
黑寡婦 Hēi guǎfù: Today is the last paycheque of the year, from my F/T job - boooooooo
黑寡婦 Hēi guǎfù: Chilly and dark, this morning… hum, sounds like the opening line to a Noir Spy Story
黑寡婦 Hēi guǎfù: I really try to support small business, and normally go out of my way to do it… and I understand and appreciate that business must be profitable, but I think I’m getting price gouged, as of late, and they are pricing themselves out of my patronage
黑寡婦 Hēi guǎfù: Finally, some consistent December weather!
黑寡婦 Hēi guǎfù: Friday The Thirteenth
黑寡婦 Hēi guǎfù: We are having empanadas! You have to, HAVE too, use the hot sauce
黑寡婦 Hēi guǎfù: And how is YOUR commute going today?!!!
黑寡婦 Hēi guǎfù: At The Hooker Hotel, near our house - NO, we didn't go in!!!
黑寡婦 Hēi guǎfù: At The Hooker Hotel, near our house - NO, we didn't go in!!!
黑寡婦 Hēi guǎfù: At The Hooker Hotel, near our house - NO, we didn't go in!!!
黑寡婦 Hēi guǎfù: At The Hooker Hotel, near our house - NO, we didn't go in!!!
黑寡婦 Hēi guǎfù: Going to be near 60, by mid-week!!!
黑寡婦 Hēi guǎfù: Are you trying to make that thing stand up?
黑寡婦 Hēi guǎfù: Wait there... i'll be right back!!!
黑寡婦 Hēi guǎfù: Those signs are mocking you, baby... go ahead... ENTER
黑寡婦 Hēi guǎfù: HEY!!! Wait up!!!
黑寡婦 Hēi guǎfù: I think you need to go just a tad bit more blonde, babe
黑寡婦 Hēi guǎfù: Random oil stains on my driveway, remind me that at least ONE of my pieces of shit is in need of SOME type of servicing :::sigh:::
黑寡婦 Hēi guǎfù: Damn early Call Times