Eric Mailhot: End of February long face - grey overlook - February 26th 2016 - Eric Mailhot -
m mahinthan: Frost tree
Chris B. DeMuri: Space Deer
Yvan LEMEUR: Un soir d'automne sur la colline de Vimy
fredericchapput: La plus belle femme du Québec, Karoline, ma blonde.
Eric Mailhot: Xenia_Pierre_episode6_flickr_IMAG6383
Walwyn: egypt 11022009-32
Yvan LEMEUR: Promenade matinale
Yvan LEMEUR: L'étang gelé
rjym72: IMG_2093
G. M des P: Two cyber zouaves.
Eric Mailhot: Pierre-et-Ben-IMAG5974
Eric Mailhot: blackburn-podcast-episode1-wide-angle
guil3433: 2010-2014
Aminumerique: Istanbul
Aminumerique: Turquie mysterieuse
Aminumerique: L'artisan
Aminumerique: Berger
Aminumerique: Cappadoce
Eric Mailhot: Blackburn podcast - Lancement 2 novembre 2014 @ l'escalier, Montreal - Pierre Blackburn, Chantal Paquin et Eric Mailhot- photo par Eric Mailhot -
Eric Mailhot: -''i knew there would come a day that we should all be afforded the opportunity to find our oasis and live through the day.'' Skamper w. Jepperson 1857 - October 17th 2014
Eric Mailhot: Eric & Stella october 18th 2014 - photo by Brigitte Blais
terri gordon: MARIE SHOE SWAP
Eric Mailhot: Eric sept 2014
Aminumerique: L'âne
Andy Duncan (MJ): Les Sables d'Olonne
Aminumerique: Brume matina;e
Eric Mailhot: IMAG5149