Brooklyn Handspun: Lilly wants to call noodles testicles...
Brooklyn Handspun: Killing time while on breaks from an intensive APEX training course.
Brooklyn Handspun: Elephant needed a friend. I'm gonna need more plastic. #3doodler
Brooklyn Handspun: More fun with the 3d printing pen. #3doodler
Brooklyn Handspun: Making cookies with grandma!
Brooklyn Handspun: A little Saturday cooking at Stepping Stones.
Brooklyn Handspun: Sick day craft table.
Brooklyn Handspun: The tomato plant that just won't quit.
Brooklyn Handspun: Today was a good day for a backyard picnic.
Brooklyn Handspun: Just because it's for work, doesn't mean it has to be boring.
Brooklyn Handspun: Someone is wiped out from getting a shot today. Poor Caroline.
Brooklyn Handspun: Went to a birthday party today with the scariest sponge Bob ever. Lilly was excited, Caroline would not come out of the playhouse until he left. I'm with Caroline.
Brooklyn Handspun: Sunday morning baking. Chocolate chip banana bread.
Brooklyn Handspun: Night time doodling.
Brooklyn Handspun: My girls and their babies (a rat and a ladybug).
Brooklyn Handspun: Happiness is a fall day and a comfy sweatshirt.
Brooklyn Handspun: These girls know how to accessorize.
Brooklyn Handspun: The aftermath.
Brooklyn Handspun: While the kids played, I painted
Brooklyn Handspun: After this morning's art project, every doorknob (or as Lilly says- noorknob) in the house has been appropriately adorned.
Brooklyn Handspun: This morning view makes me so happy. #nofilter
Brooklyn Handspun: Fall is on the way!
Brooklyn Handspun: Proper summer lunch with homegrown tomatoes and basil.
Brooklyn Handspun: Baggies are the only way I get any of my tomatoes. So far the squirrels and Chipmunks haven't figured it out.
Brooklyn Handspun: Moonlight fox
Brooklyn Handspun: It might not be Aruba but it's 5 min from home so it'll do. #calfpasture #iamsospoiled
Brooklyn Handspun: Lilly and Sarah were inseparable today.
Brooklyn Handspun: Little landscapes
Brooklyn Handspun: Backyard Hawk 1