bjornmeansbear: Rawrrh
bjornmeansbear: I know everyone’s got yet another thing to dislike about Adobe land… if you’re really tired of the shenanigans maybe you should give some #opensource stuff a try? Everything you’re trying to do and more exists in some fashion, or can be cobbled together…
bjornmeansbear: Robin Sadly I think these have been abandoned… I disturbed the mom a few too many time with espalier maintenance and cherry picking. There are also a lot of neighborhood cats… so perhaps the mom robin wasn’t excited about them either.
bjornmeansbear: Summer reading… Cultural Strategy by Holt and Cameron, The Workshopper Playbook by Jonathon Courtney & @ajsmartdesign, The Courage to be Disliked by Kishimi and Koga, Where must Design go Next by @jarrettfuller & @iitdesign, Research for people who think
bjornmeansbear: Temporary (semi-permanent) cabinet pull… yes there is a reason to keep broken frames and random offcuts. ☺️ #reuse #satisfice #repair #maintenance #sustainabledesign
bjornmeansbear: Such an expressive trunk twist
bjornmeansbear: Dad!!! The glasses aren’t flat and the crown doesn’t stay on well enough! Why can’t we glue real jewels to it!!! Solveig is learning about art direction and client/designer relationships early.
bjornmeansbear: Mushrooms, jack in the pulpit post flower, and moss…
bjornmeansbear: There’s a lot of blooms on these. Remember if you’re foraging you only take a little. Maybe some will make it all the way to berries? This is just along the playground at Hampden elementary.
bjornmeansbear: Elder-blossoms all day long
bjornmeansbear: Spruce tip Saturday
bjornmeansbear: Just finding some “yep this is how time works” notes… forever towards the future.
bjornmeansbear: Just making Norwegian spruce tip syrup… I found a couple big Norway spruces by the disc golf course in Druid hill this morning. They’re good to harvest the next week or two while they’re still tender and bright, light green
bjornmeansbear: Accidental #sculpture
bjornmeansbear: FYI, lachlan tells me that this is the coooooooolest chalk ever, because it has this line in it…
bjornmeansbear: Skeptical trash can
bjornmeansbear: Just doing some spontaneous plastic playing with @product_prof — Karl got a new air compressor so of course the first thing we thought we’d try to do was pressurize 20oz bottles and amorphously reshape them with a heat gun.
bjornmeansbear: Or an urban farm or dense well natured housing development I swear this is in the #sustainable #urbanism book section
bjornmeansbear: Working on a bamboo chair, experimenting with heat shrinking PET bottles as the joinery, turns out it doesn’t work as well as I thought… so maybe to keep the nutrient loops separated I’ll do it all as biological nutrients and make a fully compostable chai
bjornmeansbear: I’ve used a lot of different gear tapes and off the shelf solutions like just packing tape or duct/duck tape or gorilla tape over the years… so far the @gearaid brand repair tape has been the best in my uses. I just need to get a few more colors now so th
bjornmeansbear: Spontaneous tower. Collaborative effort with Solveig and Lachlan. Leaving natural sculptures in the park with the kids. We’ll see how long it lasts!? #art #sculpture #circularity #artthatdoesntexist #ecoart #ecovention
bjornmeansbear: More #frizquadrata on a goofy cookbook. Also, Ollie’s is a weird store.
bjornmeansbear: I mean, they got the Friz Quadrata reference right, and I guess the umlauts are for Jäegermeister … maybe this kind of thing doesn’t actually have to exist though? At least they got the clever graphic design touches right. #frizquadrata
bjornmeansbear: Hey! I was looking for Beatles and McCartney solo records with my 8 yr old who’s decided that the Beatles are his favorite… all just because I usually would sing Norwegian wood as a bed time song… anyway I came across this wonder. Here’s some cool hand le
bjornmeansbear: Is there such a thing as too many readings? Prepping for “design for the circular economy” a @mica_productdesign course I’m teaching this spring! #design #circulardesign #circulareconomy #sustainability #reading #books #tsundoku
bjornmeansbear: We need nature, nature doesn’t need us.
bjornmeansbear: Apple Music, I am never looking for a Taylor swift song. I was trying to find an electronic album called “yore” by Evenings thanks to @tyfromtheinternet … even on the off chance that my statement is hyperbole, and for some future unknown reason I am actua
bjornmeansbear: No I’m not. I wasn’t invited. It’s a sore subject. Thanks a lot lamppost. Media aDescription: Yellow sticker on green lamppost. Sticker reads “are you going to Stacy’s party” in plain black type.
bjornmeansbear: Don’t just reduce negative content, increase positive content. #advice