bjohnsme: DSC03091
bjohnsme: DSC03116
bjohnsme: DSC03134
bjohnsme: overcast
bjohnsme: inside
bjohnsme: f1.8
bjohnsme: f7.1
bjohnsme: f22
bjohnsme: bright sun
bjohnsme: sorta shady
bjohnsme: 1311385105866
bjohnsme: Me and Jinx
bjohnsme: That Brad
bjohnsme: Just gotta lift the soul lever
bjohnsme: Sneaking in progress
bjohnsme: Sneakys = mindblowing
bjohnsme: Zingerman's was out of this world
bjohnsme: Ann Arbor rules
bjohnsme: Wish I was there on the 23rd...
bjohnsme: B Block
bjohnsme: steve keene sent me lots
bjohnsme: And it begins...
bjohnsme: The Neighborhood Banksy
bjohnsme: twins
bjohnsme: it really is tops
bjohnsme: snow!
bjohnsme: El Gato
bjohnsme: IMG_3511
bjohnsme: Tango!
bjohnsme: Tango!