Trust for Africa's Orphans: Demonstrating sunflower seeds as part of TAO's agri-business project, northern Uganda, 2013
Trust for Africa's Orphans: Beneficiaries of TAO's project in Lira, northern Uganda, hear from TAO's Coordinator, Joy Mugisha, 2013
Trust for Africa's Orphans: Demonstrating the Village Savings and Loan Association, northern Uganda, 2013
Trust for Africa's Orphans: Representative of Farmer Group demonstrating record keeping a part of TAO's project in northern Uganda, 2013
Trust for Africa's Orphans: Happy farmers after learning agri-business skills through TAO's work in Uganda, 2004
Trust for Africa's Orphans: Board members on TAO project delighted by 'Teddies for Tragedies', northern Uganda, 2013
Trust for Africa's Orphans: Mother & baby in hen house, Uganda, 2006
Trust for Africa's Orphans: TAO beneficiaries in front of their new house, Uganda, 2007
Trust for Africa's Orphans: TAO Trustee visiting project in Uganda, 2009
Trust for Africa's Orphans: TAO project beneficiary in banana plantation, Uganda, 2009
Trust for Africa's Orphans: Kids on step of new house built by TAO, Uganda, 2010
Trust for Africa's Orphans: A 'thank you' chicken, northern Uganda, 2013
Trust for Africa's Orphans: Inspecting grains produced by farmers benefiting from TAO's projects in northern Uganda, 2013
Trust for Africa's Orphans: Beneficiaries of TAO's agricultural training project are visited to checking up on farmer progress, Uganda, 2005
Trust for Africa's Orphans: A water pump restored by TAO, Uganda, 2007
Trust for Africa's Orphans: TAO helps farmers access oxen for ploughing, northern Uganda, 2011
Trust for Africa's Orphans: Baby being weighed, Kasagama Health Centre, Uganda, 2007
Trust for Africa's Orphans: TAO helps smallholders establish sustainable farms, including raising goats, Uganda, 2010
Trust for Africa's Orphans: Mother and child have access to tank water thanks to TAO, 2008
Trust for Africa's Orphans: Farmers - beneficiaries of TAO's projects - check seed quality, 2013
Trust for Africa's Orphans: Jim's 'thank you' chicken, northern Uganda, 2014
Trust for Africa's Orphans: A Community Legal Aid Provider trained by TAO receives her bicycle, northern Uganda, 2014
Trust for Africa's Orphans: Beneficiaries of TAO's Comic Relief funded project in northern Uganda showing appreciation, 2014
Trust for Africa's Orphans: Mother & child receive a 'Teddy for Tragedies' from TAO Trustee, northern Uganda, 2013
Trust for Africa's Orphans: A disabled woman receives a goat as part of the pay back by farmers benefiting from our project in Uganda, 2010
Trust for Africa's Orphans: Beneficiaries of a new house constructed for orphans by TAO, Uganda, 2010
Trust for Africa's Orphans: Beneficiaries of TAO's project pay-back seed after a successful season, Uganda, 2010
Trust for Africa's Orphans: Mixing concrete to construct a store for TAO project, northern Uganda, 2013
Trust for Africa's Orphans: Builders up ladders, northern Uganda, 2013
Trust for Africa's Orphans: Representative from the Italian Embassy in Uganda congratulates the couple receiving the 100th tank through TAO, 2009