Gregs eBirds: Female Red Eastern Screech-Owl
JB Barton: White-eyed Slaty Flycatcher -Nairobi NP, Kenya
sbuckinghamnj: Golden-winged Warbler with Blue-winged introgression. The relationship between these two species is complicated. There is very little genetic difference and there many gradations of hybridizations. This is neither the classic Brewster or Lawrence hybrid.
Gregs eBirds: Northern Waterthrush
Gregs eBirds: Baltimore Oriole
Gregs eBirds: Prothonotary Warbler
Gregs eBirds: Prothonotary Warbler
sbuckinghamnj: Magnolia Warbler
sbuckinghamnj: Black-throated Blue Warbler
sbuckinghamnj: Cape May Warbler
fmlehman: Palmistry
Let there be light (A.J. McCullough): Rushing Clark's Grebes
ShearH2O: 3 Vesper Sparrows-doc shot
ShearH2O: Lincoln and Song Sparrows
JB Barton: Monk Parakeet - Siesta Key, FL. This bird is a native of South American & they have colonized parts of North American.
ann.morrison75: Andean gull
ann.morrison75: Andean Tit-spinetail
ann.morrison75: Bar-winged cinclodes
Gregs eBirds: Lesser Nighthawk
Gregs eBirds: Lesser Nighthawk
Gregs eBirds: Bobolink
Gregs eBirds: Dickcissel
Gregs eBirds: Henslow's Sparrow
Gregs eBirds: Henslow's Sparrow
Gregs eBirds: Cerulean Warbler
Gregs eBirds: Blackburnian Warbler
Gregs eBirds: Kentucky Warbler
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