birdman2008: DSC_2464 Departing Edmonds Ferry at sunset
birdman2008: DSC_2235 Edmonds Ferry Puyallup
birdman2008: DSC_1925 Ferry Puyallup at sunset
birdman2008: DSC_4564 Swans slow shutter bif
birdman2008: DSC_9859 Catching some air
birdman2008: DSC_8800 Fall color
birdman2008: DSC_8762 Young Doe Skagit COunty
birdman2008: DSC_8759 Sunrise over the Cascade Mountains
birdman2008: DSC_8714 Roaring Snoqualmie Falls
birdman2008: DSC_9781 GBH early morning portrait
birdman2008: DSC_9711 Kite Boarding
birdman2008: 10 DSC_9680 Mushrooms
birdman2008: DSC_9566 Floating Fall Leaves6
birdman2008: DSC_9564 Outgoing Ferry
birdman2008: DSC_9511 Orb Weaver
birdman2008: DSC_9486 Dark-eyed Junco
birdman2008: DSC_8663 Kite boarding scene
birdman2008: DSC_9339 Sun through the smoke & clouds
birdman2008: DSC_9271 Sunset through the smoke
birdman2008: DSC_9237 Smokey sunrise
birdman2008: DSC_9133 Ferry in a bubble
birdman2008: DSC_9039 Bubble Invasion
birdman2008: DSC_8343 The Bubbleman
birdman2008: DSC_9019 Red-breasted Nuthatch
birdman2008: DSC_9000 Black-capped Chickadee
birdman2008: DSC_8942 Lighted Yard Art
birdman2008: DSC_8844 Deception Falls
birdman2008: DSC_8834 Honey Bee diving for pollen
birdman2008: _8656 Woodland Skipper
birdman2008: DSC_8583 Coopers Hawk