bionerd23 ☢: Chernobyl Museum, Kiev, entrance
bionerd23 ☢: Chernobyl firefighter vehicle
bionerd23 ☢: Chernobyl firefighter vehicle
bionerd23 ☢: Liquidator heavily armed vehicle
bionerd23 ☢: Chernobyl Cancer Child
bionerd23 ☢: Model of the Chernobyl NPP when it was operating
bionerd23 ☢: Hazmat suit
bionerd23 ☢: Museum entrance, irradiated towns of Chernobyl
bionerd23 ☢: New York Times artcle on the Chernobyl accident
bionerd23 ☢: Liquidators of Chernobyl
bionerd23 ☢: Liquidator dose report: 600 rad = 6 Sv
bionerd23 ☢: Unfortunate shiftworker at Chernobyl
bionerd23 ☢: Eerie crib with photos of the victims of Chernobyl
bionerd23 ☢: Radiation warning sign
bionerd23 ☢: Hazmat suits of Chernobyl
bionerd23 ☢: Chernobyl museum, Kiev
bionerd23 ☢: Nazi-radiation banner
bionerd23 ☢: Contamination map around Chernobyl
bionerd23 ☢: Model Chernobyl NPP and cooling pond
bionerd23 ☢: Drawing of the Situaton after the accident in Chernobyl nuclear power plant
bionerd23 ☢: Liquidators of Chernobyl
bionerd23 ☢: Pilot's route map right after the Chernobyl accident
bionerd23 ☢: Helicopter flight to assess damage to Chernobyl
bionerd23 ☢: Chernobyl, the gaping mouth of doom
bionerd23 ☢: Chernobyl Reactor Core, burning.
bionerd23 ☢: Chernobyl Zone Map
bionerd23 ☢: soviet family history, in pictures
bionerd23 ☢: soviet working class
bionerd23 ☢: calender as time stopped
bionerd23 ☢: a letter to mama