bionerd23 ☢: cystectomy and root amputation of 1-6 tooth + revision of right maxillary sinus due to massive dental cyst (OPG)
bionerd23 ☢: ready for surgery
bionerd23 ☢: high on opiates
bionerd23 ☢: cystectomy and root amputation of 1-6 tooth + revision of right maxillary sinus due to massive dental cyst
bionerd23 ☢: DAY -1, pre surgery: dental cyst and maxillary sinusitis
bionerd23 ☢: DAY 1, post surgery: dental cyst and maxillary sinusitis
bionerd23 ☢: DAY 2, post surgery: dental cyst and maxillary sinusitis
bionerd23 ☢: DAY 0, surgery: dental cyst and maxillary sinusitis
bionerd23 ☢: my head, rendered in 3D
bionerd23 ☢: my skull in 3D (digital volume rendering)
bionerd23 ☢: my skull in 3D (digital volume rendering)
bionerd23 ☢: massive dental cyst and maxillary sinusitis
bionerd23 ☢: massive dental cyst and maxillary sinusitis
bionerd23 ☢: [VIDEO] 3D volume rendering (DVT) of female skull
bionerd23 ☢: massive dental cyst and maxillary sinusitis
bionerd23 ☢: DAY 3, post surgery: dental cyst and maxillary sinusitis
bionerd23 ☢: blood, mucus and pus
bionerd23 ☢: female vs. male skull / 3D volume rendering
bionerd23 ☢: DAY 4, post surgery: dental cyst and maxillary sinusitis
bionerd23 ☢: DAY 8, post surgery: dental cyst and maxillary sinusitis
bionerd23 ☢: healed wound after dental surgery