Thomas Ka.: Vienna City Triathlon
National Audubon Society: Penguin, by Joseph Tepper
Jonathan Mays: Plestiodon egregius onocrepis - Peninsula Mole Skink
BioDivLibrary: n90_w1150
Jonathan Mays: Pied-billed Grebe
National Audubon Society: Atlantic puffin, by Alfred Forns
National Audubon Society: Rufous hummingbird, by Grant Eldridge
Ben Kimball: mountains beyond mountains
Massachusetts Division of Ecological Restoration: First scoop to re-connect the stream channel
Ben Kimball: the happy valley
c.buelow: Gentianopsis crinita - Fringed Gentian
c.buelow: Back-Firing to Cut off Advancing Fire Wall
Jonathan Mays: Sandhill Cranes coming into roost at sunset
Massachusetts Division of Ecological Restoration: Amethyst Brook Dam Removal_2012
northshorenature: Sand Dune - Crane Beach (Ipswich,MA)
northshorenature: American bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) - Harold Parker State Forest (Andover,MA)
Jonathan Mays: Ash-throated Flycatcher
animalartist: Great Cormorant-immature
PenobscotTrust: GW_breaching_June_23_2012_OT_low_res_cdaigle16
gemmiferg: Green frog
Massachusetts Division of Ecological Restoration: Shaker Mill Brook North Becket
USFWS Pacific: Zebra Mussels cover a shopping cart
bill barber: Clear and Present Danger
Andrew Sabai: Zebra Mussels
ER Post: Zebra Mussel in Ice
Wayne Gunn: 26 mar alien species.jpg