biobabbler: coyote jump
biobabbler: coyote hunting in our yard
biobabbler: gopher cutie (Thomomys spp.)
biobabbler: tom turkeys (two!)
biobabbler: two tom turkeys
biobabbler: bobcat lookin' for lunch
biobabbler: western kingbird
biobabbler: Tiger moth (Notarctia spp.)
biobabbler: Spotted towhee on a snowy day, resting riiiight near the bird feeder. 😊
biobabbler: Hermit thrush on manzanita
biobabbler: Great gray owl ...
biobabbler: Great egret, Merced NWR
biobabbler: Trashline orbweaver (Cyclosa conica)
biobabbler: Idyllic scene I found upon my return home from a walk 😃😍
biobabbler: Lazuli Bunting that appeared Sunday: NEVER seen one IN MY LIFE!
biobabbler: Baby wild turkey (poult)
biobabbler: Black-headed grosbeak male