biobabbler: Big Sur State Park... amazing geology!
biobabbler: Gorgeous acorns from the oaks which were making the most of a good, wet year after 5 years of drought.
biobabbler: Fall beauties (dahlia & rudbeckia)
biobabbler: Did someone spray paint these pups fuchsia?
biobabbler: Lichen-festooned boulder beauty under a sterling sky.
biobabbler: Yosemite visitors enjoying Olmsted Point, one of my favorite places to be in the world...
biobabbler: Can you find the frog? It's a little Sierran chorus frog, so think small. 😊
biobabbler: Late summer tomatillo & pepper bounty
biobabbler: Bucky has always loved green beans, but this is the 1st time he napped w/one.
biobabbler: At Asilomar beach, California
biobabbler: Danish flag breadseed poppy in morning light
biobabbler: Danish flag breadseed poppy
biobabbler: Baby wild turkey (poult)
biobabbler: Black-headed grosbeak male
biobabbler: Yosemite Falls at high spring runoff & Merced River at flood stage
biobabbler: Base of Upper Yosemite Fall & part of Middle Cascades at HIGH flow last week
biobabbler: lovely SPOTTED iris which I ADORE
biobabbler: Lazuli Bunting that appeared Sunday: NEVER seen one IN MY LIFE!
biobabbler: A red admiral, hanging out on the garden post. 😃
biobabbler: Traces of a sub-bark world... 😊
biobabbler: Gorgeous old palm trees at the capitol
biobabbler: Beautiful trees at Sacramento's Capitol
biobabbler: Idyllic scene I found upon my return home from a walk 😃😍
biobabbler: The sign that may convert the most people who hadn't yet supported science. 😃
biobabbler: Globe lily (Calochortus albus)
biobabbler: California milkweed
biobabbler: Trashline orbweaver (Cyclosa conica)