Nadine Delfs: Hello, i am Buddy
Nadine Delfs: Becks, das Supermodel
myriorama: aphids on cane
s.thunhart: Hamburg - "Inspektionsflug der Möwen"
Jordi Marcé: Hamburg
myriorama: argiope, molted w/ male
Trey Ratcliff: Cool new comp!
Cracking Designs: Travel Tripod attached to Peak Design Bags
Cracking Designs: Travel Tripod attached to Peak Design Bags
n8fire: What's in my bag 3.0
gatomotero: Ruleta rusa
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG): A Fishing Spider (Pisauridae) takes down a Female Asian Widow or Blue-Tailed Yellow Skimmer (Palpopleura sexmaculata)
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG): Orb-weaver Spider (Poltys sp., Araneidae)
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG): Nawab Butterfly "Dragonhead" Caterpillar (Charaxes (Polyura) sp., Charaxinae, Nymphalidae)
freyavev: Speicherstadt II
nickybay: Owlfly larva (Ascalaphidae) - DSC_3441
nickybay: Owlfly larva (Ascalaphidae) - DSC_3437
myriorama: bolas spider egg sac
mmsig: Chile-Haus - Hamburg - Totale
Norbert Helbig: Hamburg...
fotobiene: hamburg
gatomotero: cuernos al sol