myrmician: The view is from the top
* Hi Tech Bio *: Valle del Tokio, Galeana, N.L.
InSectHunter: Leaving his spirit behind, Bishan Park, Singapore.
Spoon 99: Majestic
Spoon 99: Chaperone
Spoon 99: Fight Club 3 of 3 trilogy
Spoon 99: Stapler
* Hi Tech Bio *: Abejita metálica en Manto de la Virgen
Sergio Gzz*: Rezando por Monterrey
CarlosBravo: Sleep Kills!!!
cotinis: Distinguished Colomychus
* Hi Tech Bio *: Superb Cycadian (Eumaeus childrenae)
Ger_ito: Amanecer en Monterrey 3
cotinis: Female Toxomerus hoverfly
* Hi Tech Bio *: Silver Emperor (Doxocopa laure)
Nico's wild bees & wasps: Colletes hylaeiformis
Nico's wild bees & wasps: Colletes halophilus
Sergio Gzz*: Sentimientos
InSectHunter: Another St Andrew Cross? , Singapore Botanic Garden.
Ger_ito: Busco a mi mama !
* Hi Tech Bio *: Guava Skipper (Phocides polybius)
hippobosca: Meleager's Blue - Meleageria daphnis
Lord V: Snail