binnion: graining a little sterling at the new factory
binnion: more river
binnion: power plant and dam view from red bluff studio
binnion: red dragon fly
binnion: winter tomatoes
binnion: fall garden
binnion: green bush beans in the front yard
binnion: new workshop
binnion: view of Colorado river from bluff behind the workshop
binnion: more river
binnion: more weird bugs
binnion: All the mod cons
binnion: the geckos like the new compost pit
binnion: raised bed #1
binnion: Cat pretzel
binnion: urban chickens
binnion: huge bug on my shed
binnion: the old kitchen
binnion: last lunch in oakland
binnion: Circus comes to east austin
binnion: Now I know my chicken
binnion: Big ass moth in the New mexico desert
binnion: Palm Springs
binnion: good bye Oakland
binnion: almost gone
binnion: Happy Movers
binnion: the calming sight of 4x8 flasks burning out
binnion: Turrel Hole
binnion: The Inimitable Eric Rodenbeck
binnion: the big moving sale