Alan Woodgate: Blue Tit - Buckinghamshire
Dominic Singleton: Group of Snipe
Myotis Myotis: The Temperate House
Myotis Myotis: Nestbau
jasti.ravikiran: Familiar chat (2)
gregdeutscher1961: After the storm had past, we nearly had the perfect sunset
Julian Munilla Rio: Pavo real IMG_6196
Eric Gofreed: Gambel's Quail and Harris's Antelope Squirrel
Tim Melling: The Chase
mikeculley591: A13V1886
jeffpatrick501: crested grebe
Til..: Blick nach Amrum
jlfconceicao: Pernilongo - Himantopus himantopus - Black winged stilt
dominiquesimon: guêpier d'europe
Rafal Szozda: Podróżniczek, Bluethroat (Luscinia svecica) ... 2020r
Henk Binnendijk: Germany: Hinte, Burg Hinta dovecote
Johnny Silvercloud: Women's March 2020 DC
LED Eddie: Autumnat(Ed)
Gerry Gantt Photography: Mated Pair of Green-winged Teal Dabbling (Anas crecca) (DWF0076)
Todd Dixon: Greater Kestrel Pair
Régis B 31: Chaud devant, chaud...
ajmatthehiddenhouse: _W4A9855 Little Egret (Egretta garzetta)
Joern Lehmhus: Purple sandpiper on the rocks
Daniel Weeks: Tufted Titmouse - Baeolophus bicolor
real photos have grain: ScanImage27
Piotr Pogoda: Curlew Sandpiper (Calidris ferruginea)
Ron Winkler nature: Juvenile Green-headed tanager (Tangara seledon)
Peter Ireland: Strike a pose
jlfconceicao: Bico grossudo - Coccothraustes coccothraustes - Hawfinch