Billie Llewellyn:
Still stuck iRL.., hope you have all been keeping well ❤️😘
Billie Llewellyn:
Billie Llewellyn:
Let me share something with you my SL Family.... the last time I logged in was 3 years ago (on the left), the person I had been with for 13 years ago broke my heart, I loved again and failed again but that me on the right... right now! Happy with me!
Billie Llewellyn:
When you download SL and login for the first time in 3 years... be nice and add me as a friend 😬😩 totally scared
Billie Llewellyn:
Got to love Autumn!
Billie Llewellyn:
Sun = legs out in the sunshine
Billie Llewellyn:
Love the city I live in and my independence I’ve built... but I’m having a rough RL and think that after 2 years+ may show my face in SL (noob alert).... thoughts?
Billie Llewellyn:
Looking old there gurllll
Billie Llewellyn:
I don’t use SL much or at all now but I still take pics iRL .... my beautiful city that is home ❤️
Billie Llewellyn:
Billie Llewellyn:
I take more RL Pics over SL pics these days. My beautiful home town #york
Billie Llewellyn:
Last night
Billie Llewellyn:
Needs to be summer again 💚
Billie Llewellyn:
Epcot and beer!
Billie Llewellyn:
Sunday walks
Billie Llewellyn:
Billie Llewellyn:
Beauty of an afternoon spent reading next to the old stuff. #york
Billie Llewellyn:
Loving being in Disney World so far
Billie Llewellyn:
When you have a good hair day and then go outside
Billie Llewellyn:
Sisters ❤️
Billie Llewellyn:
Single and free to a good home!
Billie Llewellyn:
Stay soft, it looks beautiful on you
Billie Llewellyn:
This will do for the day huh?
Billie Llewellyn:
The older I get
Billie Llewellyn:
Home! York town