{Leila} Where Orchids Grow: Cocorico September Bee block - Kitchen Couture
LauraLRF: WIP WIP WIP at last!
Charise *: 1950's Party Dress for Penny
quirky granola girl: Ringo Pie guitar blocks so far
jeepgirl19700: My first 4 little houses for a quilt along;
quiltmakerb: Wild Rose and Square 106
quiltmakerb: Tulip 96
quiltmakerb: 10 Bowtie
quiltmakerb: 11 Broken Dishes
quirky granola girl: Replacement bee block for @wheretheorchidsgrow. Her theme was 50's housewife. #cocoricobee
THE HOUSE IN THE ROSES: My enchanted window
ruthiequilts: Block for sideswap...
Laura VanVleet: BBC-birdies group 1
silort: birds revisited theme BBC
silort: Bitter Bitty Side Swap
FlossieBlossoms: Bitter Bitties- Spinach in my teeth and Gum on my shoe
ruthiequilts: Da dum. Da dum. Da dum da dum da dum. Da da da dum!
Laura VanVleet: BBC - September rainbow
Laura VanVleet: BBC birdies close up
silort: sewing theme 021
silort: The Bitty Block Committee - sewing theme
silort: BBC sewing theme- "Y" seam
silort: BBC sewing theme group 1
needleanddime: Better Photo of Quilt Wall
needleanddime: Bitty Block Committee Civil War Blocks Together
sewjo2009: Quilt progress
sewjo2009: Pin wheels
ruthiequilts: Bitty Block Bee blocks for the Queen in May!
silort: for MollyJolly - Epiphany group (Sandy share this pattern with me)