Chocolate Liu: 永旺夢樂城沖繩來客夢 -樂市樂座
joe holmes: Chelsea
die Augen: Stalactite dome in Alhambra, Granada, Spain
joe holmes: They're Back
°☆╮小洢╭☆°: 終於可以靜下心來看書,這是一本可以一口氣看完的小品小說,有點想買日文版來試試。 其餘剩下的書是晚上的進度,看可以看完多少。🤔 #標題聳動但內容溫馨 #心得 🌼別自以為是的告訴別人加油你可以的;那不行了的時候呢?!😱 #人,究竟是為了什麼而工作? #不幹了!我開除了黑心公司 #北川惠海 #ちょっと今から仕事やめてくる #真人版由福士蒼汰×工藤阿須加主演😘
Chocolate Liu: 高山鄉村飯店
Chocolate Liu: 白川鄉合掌村
吳政彦: 2017/3/1/W 忐忑不安的下班後
balukootravel: Niah National Park, Miri, Sarawak (Malaysian Borneo)
°☆╮小洢╭☆°: 沒人 快試試XD
Jet7Black: "I'm glad I didn't know The way it all would end the way it all would go Our lives are better left to chance I could have missed the pain But I'd have had to miss the dance" Have A Fantastic Day/Evening Vine:Jet7Black Twitter:Jet7Black Flickr:jet7black In
joe holmes: From "My Father's Darkroom"
die Augen: Bambi at the lake (On Explore 11/20/2015)
rick cottontree: feb 2014 flying to chicago snow covered country
Jet7Black: "Those who dwell among the beauties and mysteries of the earth are never alone or weary of life." Have A Blessed Day/Evening Vine:Jet7Black Twitter:Jet7Black Flickr:jet7black Instagram:jet7black
die Augen: The curves of the line (On Explore 11/10/2015)
°☆╮小洢╭☆°: 借的書中有前人做的摺頁記號,著實讓人匪夷所思的特想提早窺探究竟,揣測一下上一個借書人是用甚麼心情看這本書! 好奇要我也折一折,下一個借書人會怎麼想?XD😮 ps..正常因該會被蛇念一遭吧!≧◇≦ #堺雅人さん #文堺雅人2 #文堺雅人 #すこやかな日々
Jet7Black: “You were given life; it is your duty (and also your entitlement as a human being) to find something beautiful within life, no matter how slight.” Have A Beautiful Day/Evening Vine:Jet7Black Twitter:Jet7Black Flickr:jet7black Instagram:jet7black
Jasrmcf: Pentax k-s1 50mm
Jet7Black: The Stare Down Have A Great Day/Evening Vine:Jet7Black Twitter:Jet7Black Flickr:jet7black Instagram:jet7black
Jet7Black: "Even in the mud and scum of things, something always, always sings." Have A Beautiful Day/Evening Vine:Jet7Black Twitter:Jet7Black Flickr:jet7black Instagram:jet7black
theCarol: 由布院 いよとみ
Jasrmcf: Pentax k-s1 50mm
joe holmes: Crosby Street
°☆╮小洢╭☆°: 嗷嗷待哺中……熊貓🐼送食來了! 開吃😱😉🎆
°☆╮小洢╭☆°: 美味しい😋…さんま👑
die Augen: Autumn in the lake (On Explore 10/31/2015)
Rabbit Hare: img107